Website, illustrations: Maja Starakiewicz

Designer, illustrator, lecturer. She teaches narrative drawing and illustration at the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow and Tarnów Academy. Active in → Foundation Working Group. Author of the educational program Train to Story (creative writing for children) and the book Model and Metaphor. Visual communication in the humanities. She popularizes the tools of visual narrative and graphic design among non-designers, as she considers image to be the most effective way of communication. Considers video games as the most artistically interesting medium of contemporary culture. →

Text The Road That Never Was and collaboration on the adaptation of the Epic: Marcin Mleczak

PhD in history, popularizer of science and designer of multimedia exhibitions. Author of the books Apostles and Technocrats (2022) and The World of Affluence, Dark Ages (2024). He has published fantasy stories in, among others, Nowa Fantastyka and the anthology Dreams of the Dead 2023. A fan of Lem, Dark Souls and Dune. In his free time, he swims and walks with his dog Totoro.

The original version of the project was implemented as a part of the ‘Culture Online’ scholarship granted by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. The extension of the project was financed by Galeria Labirynt in Lublin.

Galeria Labirynt
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa NarodowegoExtension of the project for the 2019 exhibition was made possible by funds from the Galeria Labirynt in Lublin.

Production of the exhibition at the Galeria Labirynt : Agnieszka Cieślak,
Diana Kołczewska

Translation of texts on the website: Krystian Kamiński

Introductory text:
Agnieszka Cieślak

Karolina Styczeń

Translation of the text The Road That Never Was:
Soren Gauger